Political Cinema

Pagtindig sa dilim ng pagkawala

Sa kasalukuyan, dumarami pa rin ang mga tulad ni Jonas na dinukot at iwinala ng mga ahente ng estado at patuloy na hinahanap ng kani-kanilang mga kaanak, kaibigan at tanggol-karapatan.

Ang paggawa ng mga alaala ng paggawa sa ‘Invisible Labor’

Sa pagitan ng paghampas ng mga kamao at pagsigaw ng mga duguang panawagan, at ng marahan at maingat na paglilinis, pagsasalang at pagre-rewind ng mga U-matic tape, ibig ilahad ng dokumentaryong “Invisible Labor” ang masalimuot at maselang proseso ng paggawa ng mga alaala ng kilusang paggawa.

Happy birthday, Lino Brocka

Lino Brocka, one of the most internationally known and admired Filipino filmmakers and a committed artist, would have been 75 today, April 3. It is an opportune time, then, to look back at his huge body of filmic work–many are of commercial value, but a number, including, but not limited to Maynila: Sa Mga Kuko […]

SINEWAYA| Films on the Other Side: ‘Meeting Resistance’

Once again, with the new, well-made action film “Lone Survivor” directed by Peter Berg showing on many theaters today, we are bombarded by moving images that portray “heroic” American soldiers involved in one of their military adventures. Like its predecessors in films like “Black Hawk Down”, “The Hurt Locker” and “Zero Dark Thirty”, with Berg’s […]

Featured Political Film | John Pilger’s “War By Other Means”

(Editor’s Note: Today, Pinoy Weekly Online features a new cultural column/space. It is called Sinewaya, formerly a film collective that previously maintained a blog, and is now a Facebook page featuring videos of [progressive] political cinema from around the world. No copyright infringement intended; Sinewaya will just share videos already available and uploaded on the […]